Dear Daughter,
I want to share a story with you, not just any story, but one that reminds me of what I hope you’ll become as you grow into the woman I know you’re meant to be. This is the story of Gucci Mane and Keyshia Ka’oir. Now, while I may not be a fan of every choice he’s made, there’s something about their story that caught my attention.
When Gucci was going to jail, he gave Keyshia $2 million, trusting her to manage it while he was gone. Some people, let’s be honest, might have spent it on shopping sprees, vacations, or some shiny, fleeting “Instagram-worthy” life. But not Keyshia. No, she did something different, something that speaks volumes about the kind of woman she is. She invested it. She grew that money to $6 million. And when Gucci came home, she handed it all back to him – triple the amount he’d given her.
Daughter, that’s a woman of value.
Here’s what I want you to take from this: real value isn’t about what you can get; it’s about what you can give and build. It’s about having the strength, discipline, and character to make things grow, even when no one’s watching, even when no one’s there to applaud or shower you with praise. Value is in the grit, in the refusal to be just another person waiting for someone to “provide.” You’re capable of so much more than that.
I want you to grow up understanding that a relationship isn’t an ATM, nor is it a survival strategy. It’s a partnership – a journey where two people bring their best to the table, not just what they can take from it. Be the kind of woman who, when someone hands her an opportunity (whether that’s money, trust, or support), makes it into something greater. That’s true strength.
Imagine someone who looks at you and knows that you’re there to build, not to drain; to inspire, not to demand. This isn’t about playing hard to get, or about impressing anyone. It’s about self-worth and knowing you’re bringing something rare and priceless to the world.
So, here’s my charge to you: grow into a woman who knows her worth, who’s wise enough to recognize that real strength isn’t about who’s paying the bills. It’s about your ability to add to any situation you find yourself in. Be the kind of woman who stands on her own two feet but also knows how to hold someone else up. Don’t settle for just “being taken care of.” Strive for the kind of partnership where you’re both stronger together.
I love you, and I believe in the person you’re going to become. Remember, the world doesn’t need more women who see men as their “way out.” It needs women like you – who see every opportunity as a way forward.
With all my love,