Discover how your surroundings dictate your true value – time to shine in the right place!

Over the years, I’ve sold many of my personal automobiles: motorcycles and vehicles. Through these transactions, I’ve come to understand an undeniable truth about value—it’s all about the environment. Let me tell you, my favorite 2015 Triumph Rocket III in the heart of a country like the US is worth its weight in gold. But the same bike in a place like Nigeria? Well, good luck getting a decent offer. The environment dictates the value.

Take, for example, a sleek classic like my 2002 Jaguar XJ6. In a high-end neighborhood, it’s a status symbol, the epitome of success and taste. In a small, 3rd world city, it’s just a flashy nuisance that no one wants to buy. Let’s just say I could have done better trying to sell sand in the desert. The same car, when moved to a car enthusiast’s meet in the city, suddenly became the star of the show. It’s not rocket science; it’s location, location, location.

This principle extends beyond vehicles and motorcycles. It’s the same with us humans and our skill sets. Imagine a top-tier software developer stuck in a remote village with no internet. Genius? Sure. But useful? Not so much. Conversely, place that same developer in Silicon Valley, and they’re the next tech mogul in the making. Environment shapes perception and determines value.

I once knew a brilliant artist who lived in a small town. His talent was exceptional, but the local folks saw him as just another guy with a hobby. He moved to a bustling city known for its art scene, and voila! He’s now hailed as the next Picasso. Same talent, different environment, drastically different value.

Sarcastically put, if you find yourself underappreciated, it’s not you; it’s your environment. Your surroundings might be as clueless about your worth as a dog is about algebra. It’s essential to find a place that recognizes and appreciates your unique abilities.

So, if you’re feeling undervalued, don’t rush to self-doubt. Instead, consider this: maybe you’re a diamond stuck in a coal mine. Seek out environments that understand your value. Place yourself where your skills shine brightest. Remember, the value of a thing—and a person—is heavily influenced by the environment. Choose wisely.

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