A song by Tope Alabi I listened to many years ago that came flashing back to me today, inspired this.
And so the old man boarded the the bus knowing fully well he hasn’t got what the bus conductor conditioned. Of course he defaulted and an argument ensued quickly.
Someone on the bus offered to make up the difference but the old man cursed him for offering to. And so the old man grabbed the conductor by his shirt and started muttering words to him. Before long, the conductor tore off his clothings and went insane pronto. All gathered were looking in bewilderment, some taking pictures and recording with their mobile phones – what a generation of ignoramus.
But then another man nearby observing what was going, could see the matter a bit differently. The old man had obviously gone another dimension on the young conductor. Ah! Speak English to me now let me hear you. Bring your common sense to bear now let’s see. No kidding, this young man had gone insane. You don’t bring a knife to a heavy artillery fight. You gotta match artillery for artillery or go higher if you wanna win.
So the man who’s observed that dimensions have changed, went toe-to-toe with the old man. “And those that know their God shall be strong and do exploits.” What is this? What in the haberdashery is going on up in this mug? War of words sweetheart. What it is! The universe was created with words and can be destroyed by the same. Thank God, the conductor was restored right about immediately.
And so I say to you – you haven’t seen certain open face battles and that’s the reason you are still arguing, thinking you know. There are realms you haven’t seen and there are dimensions that are elusive to your mind. Know this and be humble.
Stay hard!