
20 Sep 2023
Artificial intelligenceTechnology
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Chan Zuckerberg Science To Build AI GPU Cluster To Model Cell Systems

The new cluster will be one of the most powerful high-performance computing systems for nonprofit life science research in the world. Today, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative announced the funding and building of one of the largest computing systems dedicated to nonprofit life science research in the world. This new effort will provide the scientific community…
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23 Aug 2023
Artificial intelligenceNewsTechnology
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Leading Change: What We Can Learn From Bezos, Gates, Hastings, and Musk

Change! Change! Change! In today's fast-paced business environment, change is the only constant. It emerges from various directions: technological breakthroughs, shifting consumer behaviors, and unexpected market shifts, to name just a few. Leaders constantly find themselves at a crossroads, faced with a critical question: Should I drive change, adapt to it, or continue with business as…
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06 Nov 2022
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Retain Your Childlike Curiosity.

Children are always asking questions. Be like a child. Get comfortable with experiencing optimism & doubts simultaneously in all you do. Studying the lives of Albert Einstein, Mozart and especially, John William Coltrane, the legendary American Saxophonist, I had to ask - who killed our childlike curiosity? Have holy curiosity that makes you always ask…
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